What is the first impression that you get when you see someone tall? Mostly, it is some sort of subtle admiration. If you are not so vertically blessed, a certain amount of jealousy might also creep in. There is no denying the fact that height is one of the attractive features of a person. Anyone who is tall is automatically the center of attraction. Although this is not universally true, if you look at the law of averages, the scale is tipped towards the side of the taller ones. The biggest question that is raised here is what exactly determines the height of a person? The first answer is always genetics. Just like you cannot control the color of your eyes and the basic color of your skin, height is also something that is in your DNA and not under your explicit control. You will be surprised to know that the above-mentioned statement is not completely true.
The genetic predisposition is not as rigid for height as it is for others. It is also partially governed by the kind of nutrition one takes, the posture one maintains for a long period of time if one engages in some form of exercise or physical activity etcetera. These factors are pretty much under the control of an individual. The bones are the main units of the body that is responsible for a growth in height and it is ably supported by the surrounding muscles.
Therefore, providing proper nutrition to the bones and muscles is the primary way to increase height. However, if you look at the present lifestyle, most people do not have the time to consume a balanced diet or have a square meal every day. Fast food has become the norm.
How do you expect to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the body in this situation? One potent way of doing it is through supplements. The word ‘supplement’ has a negative ring to it. This is because of the marketing gimmick that they got embroiled in which projected supplements to being synonymous with steroids. You will be surprised to know that most supplements that come out these days are 100% natural and are derived from natural products. They undergo a stringent protocol to determine its safety and once it is cleared by the concerned authorities as being completely safe, only then it reaches the market. This approach has been able to break the myths in relation to supplements.
Like mentioned before, the main function of supplements to supply the necessary nutrients to the body in appropriate amounts to compensate for any inadequacies that may arise due to the inability to take a balanced diet. Just like there are supplements for building mass and getting stronger, there are many which help you grow tall as well. Some claim to be loaded with useful ingredients while some say that their function is to stimulate the production of human growth hormones which is responsible for a growth in height.
Is there any supplement that can satisfy all the conditions of being an excellent product for an increase in height? The answer is yes, Growth Factor Plus. It would be foolish to believe this without any evidence as such. Therefore, this article intends to clear all concepts regarding Growth Factor Plus. In the end, if you are convinced about its properties, maybe you can start taking it for your own benefit.
Till when can one grow tall?
To understand and answer this question, you need to first understand how a person grows tall. There is basically deposition and new bone formation at the end of the long bones of the body. It is mainly governed by a hormone in the body called the Human Growth Hormone. It stimulates the formation of cartilage and eventual calcification of it. Though growth is a continuous process, it occurs rapidly during phases known as growth spurts. They are basically periods of time during which the rate of growth is higher than what is observed normally. The first growth spurt occurs immediately after birth. Incidentally, a significant growth spurt occurs around the time an individual hits puberty.
It is around 13 years of age in boys and 11 years of age in girls. Heightened hormonal response during this time may have an additional role to play in it. There are many speculations that say that growth, especially the one related to height, is not possible after puberty. This is mainly because around that time the bones fuse permanently and there is very little room for the addition of new ones. Though it is partially true, a very important skeletal system is overlooked here, the spine. The spinal cord consists of 24 bones and these bones are connected to each other through cartilages.
Mathematically speaking, a normal human being has 23 cartilages in the spine. These structures are capable of growth even after puberty. Amazingly, a minute growth in the size of each of the cartilage can manifest as almost 2-3 inches as a whole as it gets multiplied. Therefore, though it is often said that you can grow tall maximally up to your puberty and then have small changes till you reach 25, it is not 100% accurate. Some growth is possible even after that and it is this little ray of hope that is utilized by a supplement like Growth Factor Plus.
How is Human Growth Hormone crucial for growth in height?
In the previous segment, the importance of inducing growth in the cartilage connecting the bones of the spine has been spoken about. The question that it raises here is how exactly does the cartilage grow? The answer to it by a hormone in the body known as the Human Growth Hormone. Generally speaking, it is considered to be one of the principal hormones of the body. It performs a number of functions like:
- It helps in the growth and regeneration of cells that are the basic building blocks of the body.
- Ensures that the body tissues remain in a healthy condition for a longer duration of time.
- It helps in making the bones stronger and compact.
- It helps to lose weight rapidly.
- Your mood can also be regulated by the levels of Human Growth Hormone. The different cognitive functions and abilities are also controlled by it to a certain extent.
- It facilitates better quality sleep in an individual.
These are a few of the most important functions that the Human Growth Hormones perform. Other than these, a very crucial contribution of it is in the repair and growth of the cartilages. Therefore, if you can figure out some way of increasing the levels of growth hormone, the cartilage will subsequently increase and this will manifest as an increase in the overall height of the individual. The contribution of the spine cartilage will be imperative here.
How do you increase the levels of Human growth hormone?
There are certain vitamins in the body like Calcium as well as Vitamin D whose levels can directly be coordinated by the direct consumption of them in adequate amounts. However, the same cannot be said about Human Growth Hormone as it cannot be consumed directly. There are some food items that can stimulate its increased release though. The first that comes in the line is 5 amino acids.
What are the five important amino acids that are essential for a gain in height?
These 5 amino acids can be considered as essential amino acids due to the fact that they need to be taken in the form of food and are not produced directly in the body. They are:
- L-ornithine
- L-arginine
- L-lysine
- L-glutamine
- L-glycine
Now that you have a list of amino acids, the next important question is how exactly due to take it? There are basically three ways of doing so:
- Food– this is the most natural and the most cost-effective method of increasing the levels of Human Growth Hormone in the body. You need to find out a list of food items that contain these amino acids. There is a limitation of this process though. You cannot know exactly how much amount of amino acids is required. Thus, sometimes you might not be meeting the required amount and have no way of knowing it as well.
- Take in the form of medicines and supplements– there are many medicines and supplements that have these amino acids in them. You can compensate adequately using this procedure and it is easily available as well. It is also a cost-effective method as far as it is available.
- Take through a single supplement– if there would be a single supplement that would contain all the 5 amino acids in an adequate amount, that would obviously be the best option. Growth Factor Plus is one such supplement. Therefore, follow the proper dosage system of it and consume correctly for the best results.
Details about Growth Factor Plus
Now that all the scientific evidence has been covered in detail, it is important to discuss the supplement individually. How does Growth Factor Plus work exactly? It takes the help of the natural phenomenon of stimulating the production of Human Growth Hormones.
As has been discussed before, the 5 amino acids are largely responsible for it. The supplement contains all 5 of them in adequate quantities. This results in an increase in the height of the cartilages in between your spine. Since the spine is one of the main sets of bones that is concerned with giving a vertical dimension to an individual, an increase in it is manifested as growing taller itself.
Other than the amino acids, there are other ingredients present as well. They have the specific function of making your bones and muscles as well as your joints firmer so that they are capable of bearing the increased height in a person. The immediate question that might come to your head is the safety of the ingredients. Whenever someone uses the word supplement, it is considered to be unanimous with steroids or synthetic products. However, it is not the case with Growth Factor Plus. As every product has been made in labs certified by GMP. What it implies is that they have gone through a stringent safety protocol and are definitely safe to consume.
When do you become taller on using Growth Factor Plus?
The spine cartilage is such that the growth of it takes place at night while you are fast asleep. You must have noticed that when you wake up after a sound sleep, you tend to be 0.5-1 inch taller. This is all because of the spine. Since the supplement works on the spine cartilage itself, the results are similar.
Though it is a little slow to act, it is constant. All you have to do is take the supplement regularly according to the specified dosage and go about with your daily routine work. You wake up in the morning and voila, you will be taller.
What are the main benefits of Growth Factor Plus?
On summarizing the various reasons why, you should opt for Growth Factor Plus as your supplement for growing tall are-
- There is a passive increase in height- like mentioned before, you will become taller in your sleep. You will not feel any active changes happening in your body. Follow your routine and go to sleep and the results will be visible in the morning. You can make the work of the supplement even easier by putting in some efforts from your side like exercising and eating healthy. These also help in increasing the height and have been discussed in detail later.
- Additional health benefits- since the supplement works by increasing the levels of Human Growth Hormones, additional benefits of it are also seen. In fact, there are many people who take HGH supplements for these benefits as well. It includes-
- The strengthening of the other supporting structures of the body like the joints, bones, and muscles.
- HGH has anti-aging properties. It can make you look younger and not reflect your age.
- Some people use the hormonal supplement for the massive loss in weight.
- If you are having difficulty sleeping, HGH might come to your rescue.
- An easy method of intake- Growth Factor Plus is conveniently supplied in the form of tablets which are odorless and do not cause any side effects. All you need to do is take a couple of tablets every day and you will notice the changes eventually. Thus, there is no fancy regime of mixing it with something or taking it at a specific time. Relatively easy supplement to take.
- Safety of the ingredients- this point has been talked about before but needs further reassurance. One of the biggest advantages associated with Growth Factor Plus is the fact that all the ingredients used in it are 100% safe. They go through strict checks to ensure that there is no amount of adulteration added to it. However, it is true that different individuals react differently to different food products. Some people have allergies to even natural stuff. It is always better to take a test dose in this case and consult a physician as and when required.
Though the benefits of Growth Factor Plus are many, there are a few downsides. However, these are not too significant to downplay all the good it does. It includes-
- Results take time to come- the growth in the size of the cartilage takes time as it is a physiologic unit of the body in which growth is being induced. It also takes place in a passive state in your sleep. Thus, the changes do not happen overnight. It takes some time, ranging from 6-9 months. You need to keep taking them regularly and wait for the results which are sure to come. There have been reports that since the change in height was not observed within 1 month, people lost faith in its ability and discontinued using it. All one can say that if you want to see the amazing results, in this case, you have to be a little patient. It definitely won’t be disappointing in the end.
- Results are not the same for everyone- this has nothing to do with the supplement. It is dependent on the type of individual one is and the different defining characteristics. Some of them include-
- The age of a person. It might be faster for younger adults than the older ones as the bones and carriage still retain some potential to grow.
- The lifestyle one leads. If it is too disruptive with the consumption of unhealthy food, the results might be slower.
- The kind of physical activity or exercise one involves. If it is adequate, the height increase will also be faster.
- It is not effective for individuals under 18- this supplement made for adults to gain height after they cross 18 years of age. Before that, the cartilage grows in height naturally and does not need any kind of push as such. There are other height growing supplements for that age. However, Growth Factor Plus might not be the ideal choice for you here.
Is Growth Factor Plus safe for you?
No matter how good a supplement is, if it doesn’t suit you, it is always better to be cautious of using it. The safety of yourself is of primary importance here. Every individual has a different reaction to certain food products. You should take certain precautions before starting to take Growth Factor Plus.
- Consult a doctor first – if you are unsure whether a supplement is going to be useful for you or might have some detrimental effects, it is always better to ask your physician once. They will be in a better position to answer your doubts.
- Know what you are allergic to- this will have a proper application in real life as well. Get a thorough checkup done and identify what you are allergic to. After determining that, cross-check that none of the substances are a part of the ingredient list, even in the smallest amount. If found so, it is better to avoid the supplement.
- Do not go overboard with the dosage- if you are of the opinion that taking a larger dose of the supplement will make you grow tall faster; you cannot be more wrong. There is a reason that a specific dosage is given. It takes into consideration the various factors like safety, optimal utilization, effectiveness, etc. Deviating from it can have serious repercussions.
- You should be above 18 years of age – this has been stressed about earlier as well. Growth Factor Plus is more effective for adults and not adolescents. Being above 18 years of age is a basic condition that you should fulfill.
How is Growth Factor Plus better than other Height Growth supplements?
The comparison here is done with other supplements responsible for increasing height and supplements which work by increasing the levels of HGH. Taking the first one into consideration, there are many supplements available that target vertical growth but Growth Factor Plus is the only one that has all the 5 amino acids in it in adequate amounts.
Conversely, it lacks the presence of calcium and Vitamin D which are routinely seen in other growth supplements. This is because of their mechanism of action is different as they target the cartilage of the spine. On comparing it with other HGH supplements, Growth Factor Plus uses the hormone for the height increase while others may have other utilities like anti-aging and weight loss. Thus, it is pretty unique that way. Moreover, the supplement is known to bear positive results, sometimes more frequently than the ones shown by other HGH supplements.
Click Here to visit Growth Factor Plus Official Website to grab Free Bottles on bottles of 3 or more.
How can you make the work of Growth Factor Plus easier?
Growth Factor Plus takes care of the nutrient aspect which is responsible for the increase in height. There are a few other factors that are under your control and have a synergistic effect on the functioning of the supplement.
- Have a sufficient amount of sleep- since most of the growth occurs during sleep, if that is compromised in any sense, it can lead to problems with the functioning of the hormone. There are various studies that tell about how many hours should be dedicated to sleep. Anything between 6-7 hours should actually suffice for an adult. There is also a theory that if you wake up from your sleep naturally, without using an alarm, then it is adequate. Therefore, try to practice it as long as possible.
- Maintain the correct posture- if you slouch or don’t maintain posture properly, there is a chance that your spine might get compressed. Since this works by lengthening of the spine itself, a wrong posture can act as an antagonist. Therefore, be upright consciously for the supplement to work properly.
- Exercise properly- exercising and engaging in physical activities regularly plays a crucial role in gaining height as well. There are some types of exercises that have a compressive effect on the spine while there are some that elongate it. You should know which exercise does what so that you can make an informed choice about the right type properly.
- Eat adequately- nutrition is another important factor to be taken into consideration when talking about height gain. The supplements may not be enough to give you all the necessary nutrients in the required amount. It can only be fulfilled when you eat a healthy and balanced diet. There is no substitute for natural food. Therefore, you should ensure that you do not skip any meal and eat what is required.
What is the Price of Growth Factor Plus?
Growth Factor Plus | Retail price | Special price /OFFER |
1bottle | USD 169 | USD 169 |
3bottle | USD 338 | 1 FREE BOTTLE [FREE SHIPPING] |
6bottle | USD 676 | 2 BOTTLEs FREE [FREE SHIPPING] Other offers include 20% off with code GET20 |
Where to Buy Growth Factor Plus? | Visit Growth Factor Plus Official Website. |
One of the biggest advantages of Growth Factor Plus is the fact that is has been used by so many adults and many of them have reported positive results. Some claim to have gained by 1.5-2 inches within 6 months which is pretty significant. Growth in height has instilled in newfound confidence in people and they have been able to face the world with a positive attitude. If you feel that you are not tall enough and have a lot of potential to grow vertically, maybe Growth Factor Plus is the only thing that is missing from your life.Order yours now today and see amazing results soon. Visit Here to drop by Growth Factor Plus Official Website.
Kasandra Perez, a nutritionist by profession who has spent most of her teens and youth fighting the embarrassment of inadequate height growth. Height growth is 80% contributed by genetics and 20% by environmental determinants. While your genetic makeup is not subjectable to change, but we can tweak the environmental factors such as stimulus to hormones, a healthy diet, and adequate physical activity. I have, through extensive research and a few years into the profession, hand-picked potent ingredients and lifestyle hacks that could help you to grow a few inches taller even in your adulthood. However, one must remember results are varied depending on the individual and it is important to set realistic goals.